Sunday Worship (Online) 10:30 a.m.   |   7655 120th Street, Delta, BC  V4C 6P6   |   (778) 593-1043


Frequently Asked Questions

What time should I arrive?
Sunday worship begins at 10:30 am, with most people arriving at 10:20 a.m. Usually services are over by 11:45 a.m. For mid-week services most people arrive five minutes before the start time.

Where should I sit?
You are welcome to sit wherever you will be most comfortable.

What should I wear?
There is no strict dress code at Crossroads. Some people dress up to give glory to God, and others don’t for the same reason! We want you to be physically comfortable while you’re here.

What door should I use?
The doors to the main foyer are located at the end of the covered walkway off the Scott Road parking lot, or at either the north or south side (just off the patio area) from the rear parking lot (off 119A Street).

Will I have to wear a visitor badge?
No way! There are greeters in the foyer who will introduce themselves and warmly welcome you to worship. There are “Connect” cards in a pocket in the seat in front of you. If you feel comfortable doing so, please fill it in after the service and drop it into an offering box on your way out of the sanctuary.

What if I have a disability?
Crossroads is fully accessible. There are designated parking spots close to an entrance. In our worship space there is room for wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters. If you require a headset to enhance your hearing, please speak to one of the greeters and they will be pleased to assist you. We also provide large-print service orders on request.

Is there a fee for the service?
Free-will offering boxes are positioned in the sanctuary entrances. This is one way Crossroads folks financially support the work of the church in our neighbourhood and beyond. If you are visiting with us for the first time, you are welcome to give and you are welcome to walk right past those boxes. Either way, you are welcome here.

What about my children in worship?
We are very comfortable with children being children during worship. There is an activity area near the front of the sanctuary where children are welcome to spend their time. There is also an enclosed nursery adjacent to the sanctuary if you need a quiet space to be with an infant or younger toddler during the service.

During the service one of our Ministry team will invite children (of all ages) to join on the carpet at the front for a conversation (while everyone listens in). Afterwards, children four years-of-age to Grade five are invited to Sunday School in our Godly Play room (Library). You are welcome to go with your children to Sunday School or have them stay with you in worship – some kids stay in the sanctuary for the whole service. Grade six and up: we are working on re-launching a gathering for junior youth, which may land on Sunday mornings.

What’s the preaching like?
Our regular preacher is pretty versatile. She’ll tell stories, pull together different ideas, lead a meditation, give the congregation an “assignment” to talk about in twos or threes, show a slide show or video, or sometimes even sing to the congregation. The sermon functions to deepen our reflection on the Scripture themes of the day, and often leaves us with a challenge or question. You can hear recorded sermons here.

What is the music like?
At Crossroads we are blessed with a very diverse musical palette. We sing traditional hymns, world music hymns in many languages, new hymns written by our own musical leadership, and contemporary church songs. Our worship band (guitar, saxes, trumpet, flutes, violin and bass) and all ages choir (SAB) participate weekly in worship leadership. We don’t usually applaud after the band, choir (or sermons) but accept these offerings as a gift.

Am I allowed to take Communion?
Yes! If you are seeking to follow Jesus, then you are welcome at his table here at Crossroads. ALL are welcome at the table – including children. We celebrate communion every four to six weeks during the Thanksgiving part of our service, and at other special times of the year such as Maundy Thursday or Christmas Eve.

What about Baptism?
At Crossroads we baptize and receive new members by transfer or reaffirmation of faith at regular intervals. There are certain times in the church year when it makes sense to us to celebrate growth in faith and welcome new Christians into the body of Christ.

Is this a praying congregation?
Absolutely! Our minister leads us in prayer in the Gathering part of the service, before the sermon, and to dedicate our offerings. The “Prayers of the People”, when we pray for the world, the church and those we know in need of God’s love and grace, are led by members of the congregation each week, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. After the service, there are people available to pray with you if would like. We also have a dedicated group that prays specifically for the ongoing requests of the congregation.

I sometimes see on your sign that it says, “We take the Bible seriously, not literally”. Do you use the Bible in worship?
Definitely! Members of the congregation read from the Bible as does the Minister during the “Listening to the Word” part of the service. The sermon is related to those themes from scripture. We trust that those ancient words help us grow in our faith for our lives today.

Is there food and coffee?
After worship, everyone is invited to come to the multi-purpose hall across the foyer to enjoy a cup of tea, coffee, water or juice, a few goodies and a conversation.

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