Sunday Worship (Online) 10:30 a.m.   |   7655 120th Street, Delta, BC  V4C 6P6   |   (778) 593-1043

Affirming Congregation


After a two-year process of focused learning and dialogue about diversity, on September 25, 2016 Crossroads was officially recognized as an Affirming congregation within the United Church of Canada.



Affirming Statement

Crossroads welcomes the ministry and participation of all persons, accepting everyone as they are. This, without regard to age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, neurotype, ability, marital status, culture, family type and socio-economic status.


What is an Affirming congregation?

As an Affirming congregation we are committed to work for the full inclusion of all people, particularly the marginalized, in the life of our faith community and in the world beyond. We are committed as well, to ongoing learning, so that we may grow in our understanding and appreciation of diversity as a great gift of God.


Why did Crossroads adopt an Affirming statement?

At Crossroads, we have always been a welcoming, accepting congregation. But we wanted to make an intentional statement, to have it be known beyond our doors, that here there is honour and respect; that here the love of God for all is proclaimed and lived out.


What about other minorities?

Opening up to diversity is what the Affirming ministry is all about, and that means all kinds of diversity. Adopting an open stance means we seek to hear the voices of those who are too often pushed to the margins and we seek to be influenced by those voices in answering the call to serve God’s world.


How is an Affirming ministry different from other welcoming groups?

Perhaps it’s not so different. But it feels different to us. To be an Affirming congregation is not just about welcoming people to join us. It is about being open to being changed ourselves, as individuals and as a congregation, as we stand and walk with those who have been marginalized.


Check out the Official PIE Video!

Join pie-loving hosts Stéphane and Pam as they introduce us to PIE and as Affirming ministries tell their stories about their Public, Intentional, and Explicit work and welcome for the LGBTQ2SIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Two Spirit, Intersex, Asexual, +) community. Brought to you by Affirming Connections and Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble.


Watch the National Affirming PIE video


For more information, please visit Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble

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