Sunday Worship (Online) 10:30 a.m.   |   7655 120th Street, Delta, BC  V4C 6P6   |   (778) 593-1043

Opportunities to Serve

Crocheted and knitted Prayer Shawls

Join us any Sunday
to find out more about
serving at Crossroads!

Community Feeding Ministry at Crossroads

Crossroads is intentional about being a welcoming presence in the community by offering many food-security related ministries.

At our free monthly community meal, we seek to offer nutritious food and God’s hospitality over a shared table in a safe setting. Since 2012 we have offered home-style food and enjoyed warm company on the fourth Saturday of each month, with the doors opening at 4:30 pm and dinner being served at 5:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Ask us about our volunteer roles.

At the Community Harvest, a bag of free fruits and veggies is lovingly prepared and then given out to community families of all shapes and sizes. This event happens on the first and third Sundays of each month, with the sign-in process starting at 1:15 and the groceries being given away at 2 pm. Our roster of volunteers is always in need of refreshing!

Our Nick’s Nook (a small community food pantry for non-perishable items) stands on the north-west corner of the church property. Scroll down for more information about this.

Healing Garden Ministry

When Covid landed, Crossroads had recently planted an intergenerational ministry (called CREW) to cultivate generosity of service and reflection on where God is present in the world. During the Covid era, CREW became an opportunity to gather outside on the Crossroads property, and work together to learn permaculture principles and renew the 119A part of our property, turning it into a healing garden. Adults, children and youth have all worked together to design the garden and install new beds…so far we have a very popular strawberry bed, an indigenous plants bed, and our very first bed: a variety of herbs and small shrubs including a small fig. As we carry on with the Healing Garden, it is the Pathways youth who are taking an active role in its development.

Groundskeeping Ministry

This group of tenders of our outdoor spaces is active throughout the year. Weeding, gardening and lawn-mowing are some acts of service that are needed in our Crossroads outdoors space. Building maintenance is another area of service in which handy people are most welcome to offer their gifts.

Nick’s Nook

Our neighbourhood has four “Nick’s Nook” little free non-perishable food pantries, and one of them is at Crossroads. The motto of this ministry is “Take what you need, leave what you can,” and Crossroads folks as well as neighbours and community members are encouraged to stock the Nook when in abundance, and use it when in need. The Nook is located on the north-west corner of the church property.

Garage Sale & Christmas Sale

In Spring and November, volunteer teams organize eco-friendly services to our neighbourhood. Many hands are needed for organizing, promoting, pricing, setting-up and cleaning-up. Especially prized are those whose spiritual gifts include climbing ladders while lifting boxes!

Hospitality Ministry

A behind-the-scenes act of giving. A small team provides a gracious table of refreshments for Sunday worship, memorial services and/or special events.

Intercessory Prayer Team

This dedicated group of pray-ers meets together once every other month but prays on their own without ceasing! If you have a heart for praying confidentially for those in the Crossroads community and beyond who are ill, near death, or grieving we welcome you to join us.

Liturgical Leadership

From Scripture reading, to occasional lay preaching; from offering the weekly welcome and announcements to offering the Prayers of the People; from children lighting the Christ candle to youth and adults providing technology support (Zoom hosting, projection, camera operation, and sound); and not forgetting the greeters, ushers, and even chair movers, so many gifts are regularly needed during our Sunday morning worship services! Your gifts are welcome, too.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This group gathers from 10:00 a.m. to noon on the first Wednesday of each month (except July and August) to knit, crochet and pray for those who are in need of God’s embrace of healing love.

Refugee Sponsorship Steering Committee

This group of North Delta church members (from St. Cuthbert Anglican, Northside, Trinity Lutheran, and Crossroads United) has completed three sponsorships (two families and one single person) and is preparing for their next sponsorship experience. If you have an interest in supporting newcomers to Canada, and are culturally sensitive and a calm presence, they would love to see how your gifts might add to their work.