Sunday Worship (Online) 10:30 a.m.   |   7655 120th Street, Delta, BC  V4C 6P6   |   (778) 593-1043

Seasonal Prayer

Prayer Support

Please contact Rev. Cari at the Crossroads office if you would like some support for your prayer life. She would be glad to assist you first by engaging you in conversation about your current practice of prayer, and then by making a few gentle suggestions about different approaches you might try next. Prayer is a relationship with God which can undergo ups and downs like any other relationship. Please reach out if you are feeling lost or disconnected from God.

During the seasons of Advent (preparing for Christmas) and Lent (preparing for Easter) we post daily Scripture texts for the use for the use of spiritual seekers. At the start of a new calendar year, we also post a guide to a “Yearly Examen” so that participants can use the events of their own life to reflect on where God has led them in the year. For suggestions of texts at other times of the year, please be in touch with Rev. Cari. 

Finding God in the Events of the Year Just Ended

Yearly Examen.pdf

We have provided this guide for an extended prayer period of reflection on the events of the full year. This is called an “Examen” of the year, in Ignatian tradition, and it is a guide to deepened awareness of God’s presence and action in our lives. You may use this guide in one prayer period, or over the course of several days, as you reflect on the past year of your faith journey.


An Introduction to Centering Prayer


Thanks to our friends at Contemplative Outreach, we have permission to share this video introducing the method and purpose of Centering Prayer, with its originator, Fr. Thomas Keating. For more information about Centering Prayer, please visit the Contemplative Outreach website.


Hands in Prayer