Sunday Worship (Online) 10:30 a.m.   |   7655 120th Street, Delta, BC  V4C 6P6   |   (778) 593-1043


At Crossroads we have adopted a Policy Governance model.

Our Policy Governance model frees our people to use their gifts in active ministry and service, and those with the spiritual gifts of vision, leadership, and administration have the opportunity to exercise their gifts on the Crossroads Policy Board.

It is the role of the Policy Board to listen to God and the congregation, in order to discern the ministry directions (the “Ends”) that the congregation has been called to move in. The Policy Board also monitors the progress toward those Ends, and ensures that due diligence is undertaken by all those who offer ministry here, by creating and monitoring policies that “limit” the powers of the Lead Minister in appropriate ways.

The policy document of Crossroads United Church is constantly undergoing review and modification, including the Ends Policies on the first few pages. If your congregation is interested in exploring Policy Governance, please click on the link (below) to read the current Crossroads Board Policies. We hope they will assist you in improving your own governance.

Crossroad Board Policies December, 2024.pdf